English is the working language of the conference. If they were not your native language, please have your papers read by a native speaker, or seek online services of proofreading to improve the language of your papers. Please note that your paper is subject to further review and it may be rejected if it is deemed that the language of your paper is not acceptable.
Template Manuscripts Used
Prepare your manuscript in readable and plain English based on the template.
1. Download template Taylor & Francis here
2. Download template EAI Publication here
Standard Paper
Prior to submitting your paper for review, please ensure that it complies with the following minimal standards:
1. The manuscript fits the scope of publication.
2. The similarity check is less than 15%.
3. The number of pages is between four to six.
4. The topic is novel and is appealing for international audiences.
5. The paper should comprise at the very least a title, an abstract, an introduction, methodology, findings, a discussion, and references.
6. The paper is written in English.
7. There are 15-25 references, with 80% from reputable international journals published within the recent 10 years.
Paper submission is
done through the EasyChair system. If you already have an account for
EasyChair: just log in with
your existing account. If you don’t have an EasyChair account you can register
on the EasyChair Registration Page or during the paper submission process.
Revised your Papers
Please read carefully all reviewers’ comment and reflect them to improve your Final papers.
Taylor & Francis Group and EAI Publication will publish this
conference proceedings book ONLINE OPEN ACCESS
The proceeding book
will be sent to multiple indexing services, including Elsevier (Scopus,
Compendex, and EI) and Clarivate Analytics, Formerly the IP & Science
business, Thomson Reuters (Web of Science). Both Elsevier and Clarivate
Analytics have a review process prior to acceptance.